Neovim - PDE

7 min read · 2023-02-22

I just love neovim.

Where I come from?

As a beginer windows user, obviously I have tried coding in Notepad. Then I used to use Notepad++. Then I found sublime-text and loved Monokai theme.

Then I started using Linux and Netbeans with its rich language support and slowness got me. Then I started using Jetbrains IDE, loved its features then came vscode. It changed the way I used to use text editor. With LSP, a simple editor got power of IDE. With remote development plugins, now it possible to SSH into remote server and use light clients with access to powerful servers. vscode with WSL2 started everything then SSH came along. Then came quarantine, during those days I used to use old laptop as home lab server and working on remote machine was my everyday.

Jetbrains IDE was very slow to index my codebases but vscode was also slow. vscode also didn't had good support for PHP but with PHP Intelephense plugin, it is workable. I was missing one regulary used feature from Jetbrains IDE (ie Goto Implementation) in vscode with plugins. I mostly work on large codebases and there were numerious type of files, vscode was good for multiple language support. Each and every language had rich support, LSP was that good.

All these years, vim was under my nose as editor in server when I am using ssh in terminal I always had vim. Using vscode in client server and production server was no go due to node dependencies and vscode-server installation. Production server should be isolated and only http port should be opened. I have worked on some servers where one must ssh through various tunnels to finally getting into production.

Why to configure neovim?

I had to rethink about my code editor choice, then came neovim with lua script support, customization and plugins. All these years after moving from one primary editor to another and testing numerious editors, I knew what I wanted but configuring neovim exectly was so hard at first. I configured my neovim and was missing so many features that I used to get back to vscode at beginer days.

Then I found Lunarvim distro, neovim configuration was like magic. Everything is configured for you and most of keybinding are sane and workable. I still suggest beginer to use Lunarvim until you want or need to create your own config. It also uses separate neovim files dir living with your own neovim config. Then one can use both and keep configuring own config until one can migrate. It allows you to configure that you don't like about it and all updates are maintained by distro maintainers. I have use neovim for long time to see plugins deprecated and rise of suggestion for similar plugins, plugin manager changes and lots of LSP changes and updates. With preconfigured neovim distro, there comes numerious features that you use or don't use. And keybindings that you don't remember.

There is concept of Personal Development Environment (PDE). And I got fond of it. Ultimately as I use my editor all the time to code my projects, it makes sense to code my editor as well or atlease configure it to my liking. I got my hand issues, typing issues and I am brust typer. So, I configured my neovim according to it.

Neovim version manager

Package manager




local highlight_group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('YankHighlight', { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TextYankPost', {
	callback = function()
	group = highlight_group,
	pattern = '*',
vim.api.nvim_command [[
	autocmd FileType json,js,jsx,javascript,ts,tsx,typescript,typescriptreact,css,less,scss set tabstop=2
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWinEnter" }, {
	callback = function()
		vim.cmd "set autoindent"


I use which-key for keymap documentation.

vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-s>", "<Esc>:w<CR>")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-s>", ":w<CR>")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>e", [[<Cmd>execute 'e ' .. expand('%:p:h')<CR>]], { noremap = true, desc = "Explore" })
	[[<Cmd>execute 'e ' .. expand('%:p:h')<CR>]],
	{ noremap = true }
	menu = {
		width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) - 100,

local mark = require("harpoon.mark")
local ui = require("harpoon.ui")

vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-m>", mark.add_file, { desc = "Add to harpoon" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-h>", ui.toggle_quick_menu, { desc = "Harpoon menu" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-j>", function () ui.nav_file(1) end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-k>", function () ui.nav_file(2) end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-l>", function () ui.nav_file(3) end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>gg", "<cmd>FloatermNew --width=0.99 --height=0.99 lazygit<CR>", { desc = "Lazygit" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>E", "<cmd>FloatermNew --width=0.99 --height=0.99 lf<CR>", { desc = "LF" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>t", "<cmd>FloatermNew --width=0.99 --height=0.99 bash<CR>", { desc = "Terminal" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wf", "<cmd>Telescope find_files cwd=~/wiki/<cr>", { desc = "Find File" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wg", "<cmd>Telescope live_grep cwd=~/wiki/<cr>", { desc = "Grep" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wq", "<cmd>e ~/wiki/<cr>", { desc = "Quick note" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wt", string.format("<cmd>e ~/wiki/diary/%s/<cr>","%Y"),"%Y-%m-%d")), { desc = "Today note" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wT", string.format("<cmd>e ~/wiki/diary/%s/<cr>","%Y"),"%Y-%m-%d"), os.time() + 24 * 60 * 60), { desc = "Tomorrow note" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wy", string.format("<cmd>e ~/wiki/diary/%s/<cr>","%Y"),"%Y-%m-%d"), os.time() - 24 * 60 * 60), { desc = "Yesterday note" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wdf", string.format("<cmd>Telescope find_files cwd=~/wiki/diary/%s/<cr>","%Y")), { desc = "Find diary year" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wdF", "<cmd>Telescope find_files cwd=~/wiki/diary/<cr>", { desc = "Find all diary" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wdg", string.format("<cmd>Telescope live_grep cwd=~/wiki/diary/%s/<cr>","%Y")), { desc = "Grep diary year" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>wdG", "<cmd>Telescope live_grep cwd=~/wiki/diary/<cr>", { desc = "Grep all diary" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>b", ':! cd md_to_json && cargo run<CR>', { desc = "Build" })


I use Mason to manage LSP, DAP, Linter and Formatter related plugins. I use lsp-zero to auto configure all LSP. cmp is another thing that need to be configured with LSP. I use mason-null-ls to help with formatter configuration.

I use PHP with phpactor and it doesnot have formatter so, I use null-ls to configure phpcsfixer to format PHP files.

	ui = {
		border = 'rounded'

local lsp = require('lsp-zero')




local cmp = require('cmp')
local cmp_select = { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }
local cmp_mappings = lsp.defaults.cmp_mappings({
	['<C-p>'] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(cmp_select),
	['<C-n>'] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(cmp_select),
	['<C-y>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
	['<C-Space'] = cmp.mapping.complete(),

	mapping = cmp_mappings,

	suggest_lsp_servers = true,
	setup_servers_on_start = true,
	set_lsp_keymaps = false,
	configure_diagnostics = true,
	cmp_capabilities = true,
	manage_nvim_cmp = true,
	call_servers = 'local',
	sign_icons = {
		error = '',
		warn = '',
		hint = '',
		info = ''

lsp.on_attach(function(client, bufnr)
	if == "phpcsfixer" then
		client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false -- 0.8 and later
    local nmap = function(keys, func, desc)
		vim.keymap.set('n', keys, func, { buffer = bufnr, desc = desc })

	nmap("<leader>lf", function() vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true }) end, "Format")

    -- other things...


	virtual_text = true,
	signs = true,
	update_in_insert = false,
	underline = true,
	severity_sort = false,
	float = true,

local mason_nullls = require("mason-null-ls")

	debug = true,
	automatic_installation = true,
	automatic_setup = true,

local null_ls = require("null-ls");
	debug = true,
	sources = {
			filetypes = { "html", "php", "phtml" },


require "lsp_signature".setup({})

DAP can also be configured also with LSP.

local dap = require('dap')
dap.adapters.php = {
	type = 'executable',
	command = 'node',
	args = { os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/php-debug-adapter/extension/out/phpDebug.js" }

dap.configurations.php = {
		type = 'php',
		request = 'launch',
		name = 'Listen for Xdebug',
		hostname = 'fpm',
		port = 9000



vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xx", "<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr>",
	{ silent = true, noremap = true }

All my config are in github repository: