Over the years, I have always wanted separate terminal window instance other then code editor. Maybe to run few commands or maybe to tail logs so that I know what error is being thrown. Now I mostly live in terminal and a browser. I just need internet and with default tools I can work from anywhere and everywhere. Programmers dream came true.
The problem
I am not neat picking on anything, but everything is heavy and slow. Like from programming language to code editor to operating system to device itself. Everything is heavy. I don't want to see 3GB usages in 4GB machine, I don't want to see 6 to 8GB usages in 16GB machine, I don't want to see huge storage usages, its useless.
What I want
I want everything to be less heavy, fast and accessible from everywhere. Programming language will be another topic to write about later. For code editor I started exploring Neovim and loved it. Now I am full time neovim user. For operating system I use arch most of time otherwise macos sometimes windows with wsl2. For server instances I prefer Ubuntu LTS. And I use nix as well. For device I use light laptop connected to external monitors but if you need resource then ssh into remote machine. I already own relatively powerful desktop, I would use it to host myself. Other time I would like to use remote powerful VMs, if someone else is paying for it due to work.
I need some way to move around easily and work on different systems.
Basic requirements
Terminal emulator
- kitty
- WezTerm
- otf-cascadia-code-nerd mono
Tmux - Terminal multiplexer
- Multi panel and window
- Key remap
- Theme
- Distraction free full screen window
- Bottom panel with window name and date time
- Save instance even after network disconnect during remote development
TUI applications
- neofetch
- htop
- vim
- neovim
- git
- lazygit
- lf
- docker
- glow and many more...
Text editor and remote development
- ssh
- neovim
- my-tmux-session
- my-ssh
All my config are in github repository: https://github.com/susonwaiba/.dotfiles